It’s Your Sign!

Why do you care what other people think of you?

Are they paying your bills?

Are they giving you oxygen to live on this planet?

No! Right?

Because you’re the one who is doing all the hard work to earn and as we all know oxygen is free on this planet (as for now idk about the future as at the rate this humanity is recklessly deteriorating this planet at all levels. Yeah! Yeah! I’m not gonna start on climate change)

Back to the main point!

So basically you’re not entitled what other people say or think about you, right?

Then why this overthinking has become a new norm?

Like what if I do this then what other people will say or think about me?

Listen! I know you’ve heard this a lot but literally I mean it by writing it down here and you should also absorb it or imbibe it within you!

People are gonna say things about you no matter what either you’re doing good or bad they don’t care.

They wanna socialize and they use you or other people in their tete-a-tete!

You can’t help it!

You can’t just wake up one fine day and decide that I’m gonna change people’s thinking.

Dude! That’s not gonna happen as it’s not in your control.


That’s all!

You might be overthinking about something lately?

You know what?

Here! It’s your SIGN!

1111 : It’s Your Sign!

Show some guts and DO IT!!

Look! There’s only two things are gonna happen.

Either it’s gonna work in your favour or not!
That’s all!

But what the difference it’ll make if you do that particular thing?

You won’t overthink about it!

Okay! I’m not gonna go on and on about it.


Whatever that has been bothering you for so long.

I hope you got the point!

– Payal Saran

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